How Can We Help?
Find answers to the most common questions below. Still need more information? Contact us or register for the next course.
Bridge is a way to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening environment over ten weeks. Each week begins with a free meal, followed by a talk that addresses important questions about life and God. After the talk, there’s a small group conversation where you can ask questions or just sit back and listen. There’s no pressure, and no one will force you to believe anything.
The Bridge course is for anyone interested in exploring what true Christianity is all about. Whether you don’t believe in anything, follow another religion, or grew up in church, Bridge is the perfect place for those who have questions. Doubters are welcome.
If there are multiple groups we usually form groups based on age so that you get to know people in your season of life. Then we eat, listen to a talk on different topics like: “How can God allow suffering?”, “Why do we Matter?”, “Can we really trust the Bible?”. After the talk we have an open discussion where all questions are welcome and no one will call on you.
It’s free! We do accept donations to help offset the costs for food but you don’t have to contribute anything.
No! You don’t have to say a word and no one will ever call on you. We recognize that some people feel like they should know what the bible says but Bridge is a safe environment where we explore the bible together. You can just sit back and take it all in.
Most evening courses start at 6:30 and end at 8:15. But Bridge Courses can be run almost anywhere and at any time.
Some of the courses do. We call it Bridge Kids. And the kids really love it! All the volunteers that serve in Bridge Kids have background clearances and checks.
It’s free!
No. If the course isn’t for you, you can stop anytime you like. No one will pressure you to finish the course. If you miss a session, you can always go online and watch the talk you missed.
Send us an email at: [email protected] or feel free to call us at (610) 361-0606.
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