How Could God Send People to Hell?
What if everything you have ever done or thought was recorded in a book? How would you feel if someone read those words? How would you feel if God read it?
Talk 4 Questions
The following questions are meant for reflection on the talk or used to start discussion with a group.
- How do you feel about a book (The Book of Deeds) filled with everything you have ever done, thought, or said?
- What did you think of the story called ‘the Room’?
- Do you think the punishment of hell is too extreme? Why or why not?
- Jim mentioned that God’s wrath flows from his justice and fits with our God given sense of justice. What are your thoughts about that?
- What did you think about the Bible’s teaching on heaven?
- Do you think you can know for certain that your name is in the Book of Life? Why or why not?
How Good Are You?
Most people think you have to be good to get to God. But how good do you have to be? This little booklet not only answers these questions but summarizes the message of the bible and serves as an outline for the Bridge Course.
- View the “How Good Are You?” booklet, which is a great summary of the Bible’s main message.
- Be sure to download the outline for each talk to follow along with the message, see additional questions, and find other book recommendations. Outlines are available in English, Spanish, and Mandarin.
- Watch the full Talk.
- Take time to answer the questions after each Talk as this will help you think about what you just heard.
Can We Really Trust the Bible?
The Bible continues to be one of the most popular books in the world, but is it reliable? Can it be trusted? More importantly, is it truly God’s word? These questions have answers!