Run the Bridge Course
The content on this site is designed to provide pastors and other ministry leaders with all of the necessary tools and information to run a powerful Bridge Course. You’ll find a simple process to follow, all of the Talk outlines, trainings, resources, and more.
Helping Your Local Community
Explore Their Faith
In an increasingly divided world, it has become difficult to reach people with the Gospel. Negative stereotypes and hostility towards Christians has made outreach and our mission to reach men and women with the gospel, challenging. Because of this, many churches are adding members almost exclusively through transfer growth (Christians leaving one church and joining another) as opposed to conversion growth (Non-Christians coming to Christ).
At the same time, we are in a moment in time where people are lonely, unfulfilled and often without hope. Many long to experience genuine community and meaning and satisfaction in life. Something that the world can never provide. This is where Bridge comes in. In contrast to the constant lies and deceptions promoted in our culture, the Bridge Course provides weekly messages centered on the truth of the gospel. There is also an opportunity to build genuine friendships and to experience the love of Christ in the lives of believers. Through prayer and teaching and friendship, we have seen God use the Bridge to not only answer questions but to open hearts to the message of the gospel. It is a simple, non-threatening way to reach your community with the gospel.
Bridge also has very real benefits to your church. It helps to bring a sense of unity and purpose to your church in the area of evangelism. There is a specific joy that comes from seeing lost men and women come to know the forgiveness of Christ. The Bridge also gives great opportunities to serve, even for those who have just come through Bridge. It is exciting to see new believers using their gifts to reach out to their friends, neighbors, co-workers and family.
The Bridge is a great way to introduce your church to people who may not have otherwise walked through your doors.
Why run the Bridge Course?
Why run The Bridge Course at your church? Watch now as founder Jim Donohue explains why an introductory course to Christianity can be a valuable ministry for you and your church. Have more questions? Schedule a time with Jim to chat about the course:
Run the Course in 3 Simple Steps
- Recruit your team (2 leaders and 2 assistant leaders for each Bridge group).
- Watch the training video together (bridgecourse.org/training).
- Schedule an online meeting for part 2 of the training
- Promote your course. See our FAQ on promotion. (bridgecourse.org/promotion).
- Pray that God would draw non-Christians to your course.
- Use the Bridge invitations to invite neighbors, co-workers, family members and friends to the course (bridgecourse.org/store).
- Register your course. This is a great way to take advantage of our search feature so that more people find your course.
- Watch the course talks with your guests.
- Stick to the discussion questions that we provide (see manual) and watch the Lord work.
- The best courses are the ones that stick with the Bridge recipe.
Register your course today!
Starting an official Bridge Course comes with a variety of benefits, including access to additional resources, promotional tactics, coaching, and the use of our course locator.

"The Bridge Course has been such a powerful tool at Redeemer Fellowship. The members of our church family are very faithful to love and serve those around them, but having the Bridge Course available is an added blessing. The members of our church now have a place that they can invite their neighbors and co workers to where they can be confident that they are going to encounter loving people and helpful teaching. Our church doesn’t have lots of resources, but it has been worthy every bit of investment to do Bridge. God has really used it."
- Joel Shorey | Lead Pastor, Redeemer Fellowship
Bridge Leader Resources
Leader's Training
This video will teach you how to run a successful Bridge Course and create the best experience for your guests. We encourage everyone who runs the Bridge to pay close attention to the details and this training video is essential for that.

Recursos en español
Este video le enseñará cómo ejecutar un curso Bridge exitoso y crear la mejor experiencia para sus invitados. Alentamos a todos los que corren el Puente a prestar mucha atención a los detalles y este video de capacitación es esencial para eso.

Online Store
Bella + Canvas Unisex Jersey T-Shirt
$20.00 Order Shirts -
Bridge Course Invites
$20.00 – $400.00 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Bridge Manual
$8.00 Add to cart -
Bridge Leader’s Manual
$8.00 Add to cart -
Bridge Study
$8.00 Add to cart -
“How Good Are You” Pocket-Pack
$15.00 Add to cart -
“How Good Are You” Spanish Pocket-Pack
$15.00 Add to cart -
How Good Are You? Tract: Download & Customize
$200.00 Add to cart
Additional Leader Resources
Bridge Bibles
These are the bibles we give out to the Bridge guests. They are also available in large print.
Celebration Dinner Questionnaire
These are the questions we use to interview guests at the Celebration Dinner. We normally interview two folks, before the message, who have recently completed the Bridge Course.
Testimony Guidelines
These are the guidelines we give to Bridge guests that will be sharing their testimony on a Sunday morning.
Please Pray Cards
We give this card to church members who bring a guest or Christians who show up to encourage them to allow the guests to answer the questions.
Bridge Jokes
Before the talks we like to tell a joke to help people relax. These are some of our best ones.
Bridge Songs
As your course grows it can be helpful to sing a couple of songs before the talk. We use one acoustic guitarist and simple worship songs. We sing two songs each week and use these 7 simple songs again and again, rotated throughout the weeks.
Bridge Grad Certificates
We give these certificates to those who have completed the course (attended 5 or more weeks) at the Celebration Dinner.
Guest Contact Form
We use this registration form to gather contact information from the guests.
Parental Consent Retreat Form
We use this registration form for parental consent for the retreat. This is for our high school group.
Book Recommendations
These are the books that we highlight each week. We have a small book table to sell or give away these books.
Participant & Leader Questionnaire
These are the questionnaires we hand out on week 10 to get feedback from both our guests and the leaders that served.
Leader FAQs
All the videos are free and online at bridgecourse.org. Each guest should receive a Bible, Bridge manual and a How Good Are You booklet. You can find these resources at the Bridge Store for either purchase or download. We’ve found it’s best for guests to have a physical manual, Bible and How Good Are You? booklet for easy access and readability.
Promoting your course is very important. You can promote the course by doing church announcements or emails to the church leading up to the start of the course. We’ve found that showing the “Welcome to the Bridge Course” video during an announcement slot at church on Sunday morning is very effective. (You can find it on the home page at bridgecourse.org). You can also use one or two of the testimonies at bridgecourse.org/stories. This is also very effective and motivates the church to invite others.
We’ve also found that digital marketing has been exceptionally effective at targeting people in our local area who might have questions about life and are open to attending Bridge. Many of these folks would not be comfortable visiting a church service but are happy to access information about their questions online. We use a ministry called Digital Outreach. You can get more information at digitaloutreach.com.
You can also supply your church with invitations to the Bridge Course so they can hand them out to neighbors, co-workers, classmates, family members and friends. You can purchase Bridge invitations and other promotional material at our online store at bridgecourse.org/store.
We offer child care for most of the Bridge Courses, called Bridge Kids. It’s best to have child care in a separate space, not in the same room as Bridge. and have quality people serve in this capacity.
We’ve seen God use our Bridge Kids ministry to draw parents back to the course week after week. There does not need to be a fully structured time, but some prepared activities or crafts are helpful. Additionally, it is imperative that you abide by all applicable state, province, or federal child protection guidelines and laws. Child safety is paramount and not optional.
Because Bridge is designed for non-Christians, we don’t want too many Christians in the group. Each group has 2 leaders and 2 assistant leaders already. And our goal in the discussion is to draw out the guests and not the Christians. Christians sharing or quoting the Bible can effectively shut down non-Christians who can feel intimidated or unfamiliar with the concepts of the bible. When a church member brings a guest or a Christian shows up, we give them a Please Pray card that asks them to hold back their participation during the discussion so that the guests can answer the question. You can find that card at bridgecourse.org/resources. We’ve found that some guests really need their Christian friend to stay with them in the group but others only need that friend to sit with them for a week or two. If that’s the case, the Christian friend might be able to come with their guest for a few weeks and then serve in other ways like with hospitality or child care.
You can run the Bridge anywhere you can get online. We’ve had people run the Bridge Course in homes, college dorms, senior care facilities, retirement communities, prisons, recovery houses, high schools, workplaces, coffee houses, border patrol facilities, and church buildings. The course can be used in most any setting. We have a woman in our church who was a caretaker for a 94 year old man. She asked this man if he would like to do Bridge. He said yes, so after her shift was over they would watch the video and discuss the questions. God opened his heart to the gospel and saved him several months before he went home to be with the Lord.
Don’t be quick to give life advice. The goal of this course is not counseling or even to help them live a moral life. We also can’t expect or require our guests to live like Christians when they are not Christians. Our focus is on the gospel and getting them to interact with the truths of the gospel. When God saves them, it will fundamentally change how they orient and live their lives.
You don’t have to, but we’ve found that eating together really helps to forge friendships and create bonds. If you can’t afford to do a meal you could consider doing dessert and coffee. In the winter we normally run a Saturday morning course where we provide a continental breakfast. We’ve run courses in Retirement Communities where only a light lunch is provided. In the workplace you could just have people bring their lunch. And if it’s during the morning or afternoon you could just do coffee or snacks.
For larger courses, it’s helpful to provide a full dinner. We like to offer our best meals in the first few weeks as a way to encourage guests to stay with the course. You can ask volunteers to help make food or work with local restaurants to obtain free or discounted food. You can also ask guests to contribute some money to help offset the expense. We use low circular tables as coffee tables for each group and provide trays for our guests. This allows for flexibility to expand groups beyond what would fit at a table.
Singing may not work with small courses or in certain locations, but as the course grows and you expand to two groups or more, it’s helpful to sing a couple of songs before the talk. We use one acoustic guitarist and simple worship songs. We don’t want a full band. We sing two songs each week and use 7 of the same simple songs again and again, rotated throughout the weeks. We do not call it ‘worship’, but ‘singing’. We don’t ask people to stand or to sing if they’re not comfortable. But we want them to see us singing to Christ and to hear biblically based song lyrics. We encourage our leaders not to be as expressive as they might on a Sunday morning because we don’t want to intimidate or confuse our guest. The goal is to introduce the idea of singing to our guests. Only after the retreat do we ask people to stand during the singing.
If you’re doing Bridge for more than one group, you will want to have a coordinator or administrator who is not leading a group. The coordinator will want to recruit volunteers for a support team that can help with set-up, food, clean up, on site management, child care and tear down.
It’s important that the support team be joyful and kind in their service always keeping the guests in mind. Guests will experience a taste of Christian community through the love and joy of the support team. The best support people are flexible, humble servants who take initiative, love God and one another.
When doing Bridge for more than one group it’s best to divide by age. It’s also helpful to have leaders and assistant leaders that fit that age range. So if group 1 is 18-35 and group 2 is 36 and up, use leaders and assistant leaders that fit that age range. As the course grows consider using guests that have recently come through the course and surrendered their lives to Christ as assistant leaders. They are great at inviting new folks and connecting with those new to Bridge.
For the first couple of weeks we pass around a sheet of paper to collect names and other info. Leaders should put their info on it as well so the guests feel more comfortable sharing their info. The information sheets are used also to create name tags. Starting the second week, we have name tags for everyone. We normally use stickers for them which are inexpensive and easy to use.
- During week three we announce the dates of the retreat to just get the guests familiar with the idea of participating in a retreat.
- During week four we show a promotional video of the retreat along with announcing the dates of the retreat.
- We also have sign-up sheets on the table so that guests can sign up. We do this from week 4 through the retreat (usually week 7).
- During week five we have someone who has previously gone on the retreat give a testimony.
- During week six we give another retreat testimony.
- During week seven we inform guests that it’s not too late to participate in the retreat even if they can only make some of it.
- If this is your first time doing a retreat you can find these videos and testimonies at bridgecourse.org/resources.
- During week eight after the retreat we do a retreat recap video for those who missed the retreat. We let the guests know that they can watch the retreat videos online to catch up on anything they may have missed.
On Friday night, we meet at a central place (usually where you meet for Bridge) and car pool if people are comfortable. Going together helps ensure that people don’t get lost or distracted on the way to the retreat. It also helps build friendships in the group. Each group stops for a quick meal on the way to the retreat.
When there are multiple groups you can do the seating in rows rather than circles if the meeting room is smaller. Welcome everyone, let them know what the schedule will be, when to be back in the meeting room for the morning meeting, and make any housekeeping announcements necessary about your location. If you have more than one group, it’s helpful to have name tags with the schedule printed on one side and their name on the other.
Before each session, tell a Bridge joke. Then have everyone stand and sing a song.
Make sure there is a large enough screen to project the talks on. As soon as the talk is done, break down into discussion groups for no more than 30 minutes. It might be helpful to put groups in different rooms for the discussion if they are having trouble hearing one another.
On Friday night we like to have snacks for people to enjoy after the session. If there are activities at your location, make use of them. We sometimes provide a family friendly movie, a bonfire with smores and play basketball or board games.
During the retreat, you’ll want to offer childcare, just as you do for the weekly Bridge meetings. Again, make sure it is a safe environment. Childcare should only be offered for the meeting and discussion times, and not for meal times, or free times.
As your course grows, it can be really helpful to have a landing page on your web site with all of the information specific to your course like time and location. These landing pages give guests a place to register.
Digital Outreach would be happy to help you set up these landing pages.
As your course begins to grow, you can consider stocking some of the recommended books for people to buy or just to have.
You can find the books that we recommend in your leaders manuals or under bridgecourse.org/resources.
• You can email us at [email protected].